Pharmacopoeia For The Rheumatic DiseasesRx

Last updated: November 24, 2014

This pharmacopoeia summarizes drugs commonly used in the treatment of patients with musculoskeletal diseases and should be used in conjunction with expert  knowledge  and other information. The doses listed are provided as a guide for adult patients but need to be individualized according to clinical response and individual patients. Dose modifications may be required in particular patient populations such as the elderly and patients with impaired hepatic or renal function. The more common and clinically important adverse reactions and drug interactions are listed, but this information is not comprehensive. Information about drugs is constantly evolving  and is subject  to different interpretations. Therefore, decisions about drug therapy must be based on the independent judgement of the practitioner using the most current information available. Care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, but the authors and editors are not responsible for the currency or completeness of the information of the information, for errors or omissions, or for outcomes resulting from the use of the information provided. Users of this information release authors and publishers of any liability that may arise from the use of the information.

Abbreviations used
ACE—angiotensin-converting enzyme
CBC—complete blood count
CNS—central nervous system
CV – cardiovascular
CYP—cytochrome P-450
DMARD—disease-modifying antirheumatic drug
FDA—U. S. Food and Drug Administration
G6PD—glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
H2 blocker—histamine type 2 receptor antagonist
i.m. or IM, i.v. or IV —intramuscularly, intravenously
IU—international units
LFT—liver function test
MAOIs—monoamine oxidase inhibitors
microg or mcg —microgram
NSAID—nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug
OTC—over the counter
PDR—Physicians’ Desk Reference
p.o.—by mouth
PPI—proton pump inhibitor
p.r.n.—as needed
RA—rheumatoid arthritis
RDA—recommended daily allowance
s.c. or subQ—subcutaneously
SLE—systemic lupus erythematosus
SSRI—selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
TNF—tumor necrosis factor
WBCs—white blood cells

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